Thursday, February 25, 2010

Project #2 Unity

Here is the lovely ideas list for project #2

Here is a quick prototype of the idea.

We posted the final projects around campus. The sign is black and blue maker on printer paper. All the little men are hand drawn.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photoshop ex




Monday, February 8, 2010

Project #1

This is a picture of the List that I made for this project. I really like lists because they help me to organize my thoughts and get down all my ideas.

Here are a few quick sketches of possible ideas.

In the end I chose to do a self portrait map. This is a quick sketch of the idea.

For the Final piece I decided to use two layers. The top layer is a charcoal self portrait on tracing paper. The bottom layer is a map of my hometown, Cottonwood, at about 250 ft/inch in red watercolor. In this project I really wanted to challenge myself with a self portrait and I also wanted to use lines and mark making to tell something about myself.